How to disagree with politeness ?


let's see one conversation and observe how to disagree with someone politely

one of the student group from the learning centre is requesting to conduct in online learning but their 

Teacher is disagreeing with them politely 

A conversation between teacher and students


Good afternoon sir how are you?

Good afternoon dear students am good.

Sir can we get your time is it right time to talk to you?

Yes of course.

Sir we believe that the courses which we are learning from this platform can also be learnt through online. We don’t require the offline classes for this course.

Sorry but I disagree with you.

sir learners preferring the online mode of learning from last year.

yes that’s a valid point but the subject demands classroom activities and games.

Sir can we  conduct few classes in offline for classroom activities and games.

Well, actually In my opinion either we have to choose complete online or complete offline.

Mix up of two modes will encourage  the learners to learn effectively sir.

Do you think can we reach to  the aims of this course with this learning  mode?  It’s impossible

Because the objectives of this course is to learners should adopt the industry 4.0 competencies.


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