6 things we STILL need Aazaadi from : citizens role to pull out

74th Happy Independence day for all.

It is very special day for all of us. Today we remember freedom fighters and their sacrifices. 

As a respectable citizen of our country every one of us look over the following things.every one of us 

join hands together to pullout this issues from our county.By the policies of government we can pull out

but as a respectable citizens we also try to remove these issues by making small actions.

Zero Hunger                 - Increasing the donations for  NGOs, like akshayapatra foundation etc. 

Clean air & water         - not polluting the air and water 

Free from Fake news    - don't share the news immediately on social media. verify before  share

Women safety               - Help the woman when she feel not safe. 

Gender equality            -  providing opportunities for them and making them empower 

100% polls in elections - all of us have to  believe that voting is our  right and  responsibility 

share your opinions in below comment section if you have any  


  1. Save the Electricity,save water, Rain water
    harvesting pit/ Rechargepit(Inkudu Guntha) to spike the water levels in ground, save environment from Global warming, plant the saplings, trees, save Fuel & support public transport,cultivation with natural fertilizers. We've to follow and practice
    these as a citizen


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